Monday 3 December 2012

I don't believe you

I selected Skye who took part in the game "I don't believe you" The situation was just discovering he had been diagnosed with cancer. This was a challenge as he would have to make it as realistic as possible, if someone didn't believe him they would shout out "I don't believe you" we played this game to look into the further truth of a character, to really see whether they're believable to the audience.Skye was able to show the truth well. He walked in slowly and just sat in silence. The silence was what showed truth within his character. Non-verbal communication was used particular well by him, which made me feel emotionally attached to how he must of been feeling. He was extremely successful to creating a truthful performance because of his facial expressions and body language. He looked down at the floor to show he was distraught and shocked. 

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