“A postman with bad breath, large and brown teeth”.
"The group" terrified of getting caught report this to the police. A man is found of this description. A innocent postman being arrested for a murder he never did. How would the postman feel about this? What about his family? His children? These where questions about this character I asked to my-self. The postman's respect he had would be lost. How would he prove it wasn't him? Would anyone ever believe him?
Some characters in DNA feel guilt towards the postman, while others take no pity. All in all "The gang" brush it to the back of their minds and just get on with life.
I feel distress and misery for this hopeless character who is totally innocent but accused anyway. The postman never says a single line in the DNA but is extremely key within it. Visualizing how confused and distraught this man must feel is upsetting. I take pity on him and am effected by hearing what position he must be in: innocent but not able to prove it. How must that feel?